Urban Walk 2022

My first experience running the 5km Urban Walk 2022 marathon at Villa Lobos Park in São Paulo was unforgettable. As I arrived at the park, I was greeted by a sea of people all gearing up for the race. There was excitement and energy.

As I made my way to the starting line, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation. I've been doing walks and jogs for the weeks leading up to the race and was determined to do it well.

When the starting gun went off, I took off at a steady pace, determined to maintain my rhythm throughout the race. As I ran through the beautiful park, I pushed through and focused on my breathing and my stride.

As I crossed the finish line, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. I completed my first 5km marathon, which was an unforgettable experience. The Urban Walk at Villa Lobos Park was well-organized and the scenery was breathtaking. I can't wait to participate in the next one.

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